about five minutes after posting
this, my mom called my sister and i downstairs. after scrambling down the steps in hope of finding a package with our new camera, my mom told us to go wash the dishes for dinner. we groaned and went about our chore. but before we reached the sink, i noticed something. my sister did, too.
it was a package.
the package.
(my mom didn't really need washed dishes. :P)
we hugged and danced and hugged s'more. (well, almost.) then we tore open the package and there lay Alexandra Marie, or Alexis for short. that, my friend, is our wonderful nikon d5100 and 35mm f/1.8G lens. we submitted the battery and memory card into their slots and switched the on button.
and on it turned. :)
now for the photos .... (we took more than 100 in an hour. *le sheepish grin*)
i took all of the above.
that's all for now! :)